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Newland (Tianjin) Welding Wire and Metal Products Co.,Ltd

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aluminum bronze welding wire-a1
aluminum bronze welding wire-a1
Specification: MIG wire 0.8-2.0mm, TIG wire 1.6-6.4mm
Detail: Prefer for joining welding of pure and austenitic steel sheet. Maintains good temperament flow and creates seamless welding line.Suggested for the joning welding of copper with steel,particularly suitable for machinery and shi...

silicon bronze welding wire
silicon bronze welding wire
Specification: MIG wire 0.8-2.0mm, TIG wire; 1.6-6.0mm
Detail: Best for joining and overlay welding of Cu-Zn alloy, especially for the MIG welding of zinc coated steel sheet.Pre-heat suggested when MIG overlay welding for large size products and use pulsed arc welding while overlay the st...
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